Mediation is when the parties in dispute come together with a mediator who will facilitate a agreement by working with both sides, in private and in open sessions.

The solution lies in the hand of the parties although the mediator will guide them and oversee any negotiation.

Any mediated outcome will only be binding if both parties sign an agreement after the mediation is complete. At any stage prior to this either party can terminate the process if they are unhappy.

The parties can bring professionals, family or friends to support them in the process, which normally takes place at a single session which typically lasts up to a day, at a venue or virtually.

The best thing about mediation is that you retain control of the process and are not signing up in advance to an unknown process or outcome, unlike using the legal system which is notoriously unpredictable, painfully slow, adversarial and expensive – often disproportionately to the sums in dispute.

Find out more by getting in touch, reading our FAQ or checking the resources page.